Tall Wood Building Construction | The Sustainable Choice | Seagate Structures

Jun 30, 2020Mass Timber, Tall Wood Construction0 comments

The crucial benefit of tall wood construction is sustainability. Steel has been criticized for its negative effects on the environment. Concrete also is not much better but it could be improved if it was made with recycled materials and had less waste.

According to the research that has been done by environmental scientists it shows that construction with wood reduces carbon emissions by a significant percentage.

Tall wood construction has been noted to lower greenhouse gas emissions, decrease fossil fuel consumption, and probably protect forests via eco-conscious harvesting. The construction of one square meter of commercial floor space supported by a wood beam emits a small fraction of the CO2 emitted by the same area supported by steel or concrete.

Benefits of Tall Wood Building Construction

* Efficient footprints

Timber structures have high building volume to surface area ratios, permitting for spacious interiors with space constraints that require compact and tall designs.

* Powerful envelopes

Mass timber buildings are erected with great levels of precision to ensure an excellent fit. Wood structures give an outstanding thermal performance that is essential for tall buildings.

* Verified fire resistance:

In case of fire outbreak, wood buildings made of laminated timber are surprisingly fire safe. Building assemblies can continue to support their loads during a fire giving people time to evacuate.

* Safer and faster on-site construction

Predesigned sections can be engineered off-site, shipped to the site, therefore, improving task timelines which upgrade accuracy and safety and cost-effectiveness.

The harvested wood is recyclable, renewable, and overcomes carbon emissions for the life of the structures. The tall wood building delivers the durability, safety and strength necessary for the taller structures.

Tall wood buildings have transformed the world of skyscrapers and high-tall structures. This is a crucial shift for a building industry that has been dominated by concrete and steel for many years.

Seagate Mass Timber is leading the revolution in “Big Wood” being used in all areas of construction. Seagate has offices in British Columbia, Canada and the US in Washington state.

If you have any questions about this article or would like to talk to us about your construction project, please call us at (604) 529-7685.


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