Get us involved early with your project and gain access to our experienced team, constructability reviews, scheduling, value engineering, logistics planning, and more.
Through our partnerships, we use BIM to flag issues through clash detection, enhance constructability reviews, develop sequencing plans and improve budget accuracy.

Our experienced and highly qualified crew is ready for any project, of any size. We have over 100 years of combined mass timber experience on our team. Let us show you what we can do.

Prefabrication takes work that might need to happen in constrained timelines on a busy site and eliminates schedule and coordination concerns by fabricating early and off site, so components are ready for install as soon as the site is ready. We also manufacture NLT Panels for our projects to size and specification in one of our shops right here in the Lower Mainland using local materials and labour.

Let us leverage our mass timber relationships in North America and abroad to help ensure you are getting the best product available in the market to suit your design. We work closely with the project team to create a functional schedule that integrates with the overall project schedule. We have the capability to use 4D modelling to help limit risk in the schedule through detailed sequencing.