What’s Driving the Rise of Mass Timber Construction in BC?

Jan 31, 2022Featured, Mass Timber0 comments

The construction industry is continuing to rely more and more on mass timber for development projects. But what is driving the rise of mass timber construction in BC? In this article, we will outline some of the reasons why mass timber construction is becoming more popular.

Mass Timber Construction is Sustainable

While cutting down trees does not seem like a sustainable construction method, mass timber construction can help reduce greenhouse gases, pollution, and wasted energy.

Mass timber comes from single boards of wood that are cross laminated together. The timber is sustainably cut and is produced naturally, unlike concrete and steel.

Mass Timber Construction is Efficient

Mass timber boards are prefabricated, making the installation process very efficient. Mass timber can be designed to fit any specification, size, and dimensions. Once the piece is designed, it can quickly be installed on-site.

Mass Timber Construction is Aesthetically Pleasing

Mass timber opens up a whole new world of design possibilities for architects that is not possible with steel or concrete. The results of this have been stunning high-rise towers, Net Zero Energy homes, and unique office buildings.

The Tall Wood Initiative

The Tall Wood Initiative is the biggest reason mass timber is thriving in Canada. The initiative allows tall wood buildings to reach 12 floors high in certain jurisdictions. It has been adopted in Vancouver, Kelowna, Saanich, and other cities in BC.

Because of The Tall Wood Initiative, more and more high-rises are being created with mass timber. At Seagate Structures, we have helped developers create mass timber buildings across BC with the Tall Wood Initiative in mind. Our knowledge, connection, and products make us the perfect partner for any new construction project.

Seagate Mass Timber is leading the revolution in “Big Wood” being used in all areas of construction. Seagate has offices in British Columbia, Canada, and the US in Washington state.

If you have any questions about this article or would like to talk to us about your construction project, please call us at (604) 529-7685.

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