A Brief History of Mass Timber Construction

Sep 26, 2018Mass Timber, Uncategorized0 comments

Wood has resurged recently as one of the top materials for building. Especially because of its ease of fabrication and environmental qualities, mass timber construction is quickly becoming a favorite among construction professionals and home owners alike.

Enthusiasm for mass timber architecture is currently growing among architects and designers, for its aesthetic appeal as well as for the other reasons as mentioned above. Taller heights for buildings, innovation, new aesthetic styles, and many other reasons mean that architects are leaning towards wood as a building material over concrete and steel construction.

For the last 200 years, mass timber construction has been prominent in the building industry. During the 19th and 20th centuries, steel and concrete became the go-to construction material and wood became known as a lesser product for building. The wide-spread adoption of concrete and steel meant that wood construction was more of less ignored and any research into it was halted.

More recently, however, research has shown that wood construction is not only very safe, but it is far superior as an environmentally friendly product when compared with concrete and steel. For that reason, among many others, mass timber construction has grown in popularity again.

Builders all around the world are now looking back to wood construction as the forefront of construction materials. New, innovative methods for building with wood products mean that mass timber construction is often considered to be the frontrunner of all materials.

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