Why Mass Timber Construction Is More Efficient Than Traditional Types of Construction

Dec 31, 2020Mass Timber, Mass Timber Projects0 comments

Mass timber construction is a type of building construction that uses a lot of engineered wood products such as glulam, cross-laminated timber (CLT), and structural composite lumber (SCL). People from different nations prefer timber in their building construction due to the following reasons: Timber buildings are less expensive to construct, faster to build, cheaper to maintain and have a lighter carbon footprint.

Benefits of mass timber construction 


Mass timber office buildings take less time to build compared to concrete and steel. This means that there are lower scheduling costs and labor. This is because building with engineered wood products is efficient and many pieces can be designed and manufactured ahead of time.

A mass timber project can be twenty-five per cent faster to build compared to a similar concrete or steel project. Mass timber buildings can offer a great financial incentive for building owners.


Building with timber can lessen annual global emissions of carbon dioxide by fourteen to thirty-one per cent. Building with mass timber materials instead of steel or concrete enables large emission reductions because of sequestering of carbon and the process of producing engineered wood.

Mass timber materials produce fewer greenhouse gases during manufacturing compared to alternatives like steel and cement. Wood is used in a sustainable fashion with constant replanting of trees.

Preferred by building occupants

Mass timber superstructure serves as a moisture buffer, improves air quality, and helps to regulate interior humidity. There is no off-gassing of artificial materials. For apartment buildings and office environments, the comfort and desired look enables higher rents and often equates to long-term tenants. This is a great bonus to the building owners.

Seagate Mass Timber is leading the revolution in “Big Wood” being used in all areas of construction. Seagate has offices in British Columbia, Canada and the US in Washington state.

If you have any questions about this article or would like to talk to us about your construction project, please call us at (604) 529-7685.

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